THE 2022 World University Rankings Announced
In THE 2022 , Çankaya University has been 1st place in ATIF Category for second time in World. THE ONLY TURKISH UNIVERSITY IN THE 401-500
Turkey is the crossroads for international students by providing high quality education, hospitality and diversified culture. Apply now and invest in your journey to success .
You will discover and enhance your career talents in Turkey
Turkey as a central hub for business in the region will allow you to enhance your long-term career goals
Turkey believes that all students deserve a high quality, fair, and transformational education. Our core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are inseparable from our academic mission and we are intentional about fostering and providing a sensitive, inclusive, respectful, and supportive learning environment for all students.
Turkey offers the opportunity to earn a BS in Business Analytics, Risk Management, or Actuarial Science - along with our other traditional majors of Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, or Marketing. Our graduate programs prepare students for employment in analytical and risk management fields.
Pursue solutions to health care problems and address contemporary health care issues in Turkey. Turkey provides various undergraduate degree programs and leading graduate Master of Science, Ph.D., to Doctor of Pharmacy programs.
Learn the values of conceptual thinking, design excellence, intellectual curiosity, and creative expression by combining a focused concentration on one particular field with a broad-based educational foundation that fosters critical thinking skills in a global context.
The Humanities department is comprised of theologians and philosophers in Turkey. An important part of the college’s mission is to provide an education that is value-oriented and consistent.
Applied Sciences programs also aims at impacting skills to enable graduates to manage schools & future careers, to ultimately be involved in other administrative posts and to participate in research, consultancy, and extension services in their relevant disciplines of specializations.
Practicing the intellectual and technical aspects of architecture through a rigorous and creative studio-based design curriculum, the program provides the fastest path to become a licensed architect. Students also obtain the critical thinking skills required to contribute to shaping the future build environment.
Interior design professionals will become increasingly important in understanding and enhancing ergonomic design, elder design, and environmental or "green" design – all of which contribute to an expanding market.
The disciplines of Law and Political Science are intrinsically linked and directly impact every aspect of our daily lives. The role and power of the constitution and judiciary, human rights and international law, the impact of law are best understood when both subjects are considered.
It is a degree that prepares students to pursue multiple career paths within the field of aviation. Students learn about the development, design, production, flight, and maintenance of aircrafts.
Turkey, which has hosted many deep-rooted civilizations in its territory for thousands of years, is almost a mosaic of cultures! In this country the hospitality culture is very dominant, and everyone is tolerant and respectful to each other. Diversity is another richness of the culture and creates a friendly environment for international students.
In Turkey, you can easily meet people from your own country. You will feel at your country in this friendly Turkish culture and also appreciate the safe and peaceful environment.
Vibrant, Modern and Multicultural Lifestyle .
Cultural and Economical Bridge between East and West
I would not be in the career I am now without the hands-on practical experience that I received while attending Classes in Turkey, Known for its incredible family-style and entrepreneurial culture.
I would not be in the career I am now without the hands-on practical experience that I received while attending Classes in Turkey, Known for its incredible family-style and entrepreneurial culture.
I would not be in the career I am now without the hands-on practical experience that I received while attending Classes in Turkey, Known for its incredible family-style and entrepreneurial culture.
In THE 2022 , Çankaya University has been 1st place in ATIF Category for second time in World. THE ONLY TURKISH UNIVERSITY IN THE 401-500
After the number of cases started to rise again, private universities started to take action for thenecessity of vaccination. Speaking to Yasemin Salih from the
Marmara Region is located in the northwest corner of our country. It is the sixth largest region with 8.5% of the country’s face measurement.
Whether you’re looking to start your higher education or continue your graduate program, we are here to help. Apply with Study in Turkey today!
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