
Qualifications awarded at Turkish educational institutes are very similar to those given in Europe, the USA, Canada or Australia. Below is a list of various qualifications obtainable after successfully completing a study program in Turkey.
Lise Diploması (Secondary/High School Diploma): Students are required to have a secondary/High School diploma equivalency. “The Diploma Equivalence (Denklik Belgesi) is a document stating that your high school diploma is equivalent to a Turkish high school diploma and that you are therefore apt to enter studies in a higher education institution in Turkey. This document is requested from and issued by the Provincial Directorate of National Education of the city the student will study in (Or, if possible, from a Branch in the Turkish Embassy of the student’s country of origin).”
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Ön Lisans Diplomasi (associate’s degree or pre-bachelor’s degree) Higher technical and vocational post-secondary studies last either four years at general higher schools or two years at vocational higher schools affiliated with universities. Both offer vocational training in various professions and confer an On Lisans Diplomasi following completion of two years of university studies.
Lisans Diplomasi (bachelor’s degree) can be awarded in all fields other than Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy and Veterinary Science. Programs leading to a Lisans Diplomasi require a minimum of four years of university study.
Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor’s) in Dentistry, Pharmacy and Veterinary Science. This diploma is awarded after the successful completion of a five-year university program. In Veterinary Medicine, the professional qualification of Veteriner Hekim Diplomasi is awarded. In dentistry, the Dis Hekimligi Diplomasi is conferred on successful graduates.
Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor’s Diploma MD) in Medicine. Medicine is a six-year program which leads to the Medical Doctor degree. In Medicine, the professional qualification of Tip Doktorlugu Diplomasi is conferred.
Yuksek Lisans Diplomasi/ Bilim Uzmanligi Diplomasi (Master’s Degree / Specialist Degree in Science): Postgraduate studies last either for two years with the submission of a thesis or for one-and-a-half years without a thesis.
Doktora Diplomasi/ Bilim Doktorlugu Diplomasi/ Tipta Uzmanlık Belgesi/ Sanatta Yeterlik Diplomasi (Ph.D. Degree/ Doctorate Degree in Science / Specialist Degree in Medicine/ Fine Arts Mastery Degree): These studies last two years in Agriculture, Pharmacy or Veterinary Science; three years in the Arts and Sciences; and three to six years in Medicine. A Doktora Diplomasi is conferred after two years of study and upon completion of a doctoral thesis (a total of four years). The Tipta Uzmanlik Belgesi is considered to be equivalent to the Doktora Diplomasi; it shows a physician’s advanced skills and expertise.