What is an International Student Agent?

An agent is someone who represents Colleges or Universities throughout Turkey and plays an important role in the international student registration system.  The agent helps matching international students to the university of their dreams. An International Student Agent;

  • Conducts marketing management of the universities and programs in the target countries with digital marketing and marketing events on the field
  • Offers academic mentoring to university candidates and guiding them to select the best-fitted university programs via the TalentChoice scientific approach.
  • Provides insight regarding the university and program choices in Turkey via Study in Turkey’s large and updated database
  • Equips students with all sorts of information regarding studying in Turkey, Universities, and interesting programs via detailed information provided on the Study in Turkey website.
  • Helps the candidate student to apply through Study in Turkey web site.
  • Guides applicants to complete the registration proc
  • endures.
  • Offers support services for the orientation of the student

Becoming an agent to Study in Turkey:

Study in Turkey welcomes applications from reputable education agents to expand its network of agents across the world. We attract professionally trained and certified education consultants, members of regulatory body and agent associations. We aim to appoint agents in key markets to assist our student recruitment and marketing efforts for our partner universities and colleges.

Why should an agent join the agent networks of Study in Turkey?

By joining our agent network and becoming a member, y

ou will gain such benefits as:

  • Able to access and use marketing capabilities and tools of the Study in Turkey
  • Exposing students to their true unique abilities through Talent Choice and providing real academic mentoring.
  • Offering all university and program options as provided in our largest database.
  • Exposure to the most valuable, reliable, and internationally known university fares and online webinars
  • Working with genuine education providers; possess local knowledge and industry specialization.
  • Increasing the success rate in international

    student admissions.

  • Getting support for visa applications.
  • Offering our support services to your student.
  • Enriching your own brand with the values, experiences, and services of Study in Turkey.

What will you get from working with Study in Turkey?

  • Access to the largest portfolio of universities and colleges worldwide via Study in Turkey.
  • Global exposures and opportunities to recruit more students with wider options.
  • Expanded connections with our networks, stakeholders, and industry.
  • Opportunities to be introduced with our partner universities and colleges.
  • Support from Head Office, training, accurate and updated information.
  • Quick responses to queries, timely application submission, and offer collection services.
  • Access to our expertise, transferrable skills, and knowledge.
  • The good commission, bonus, and rewards for success.
  • Respect, recognition, and 100% honest service.